Durban Aerotropolis Master Plan
The Durban Aerotropolis is envisaged to cover an area 32000ha of land, translating to 42million square metres of developable property, inclusive of an open space network of some 10000ha. The intention is to create an estimated 750000 employment opportunities within the 50-year planning horizon. The formal adoption of the Durban Aerotropolis concept commenced in 2012; a time when the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government commissioned the KZN Integrated Aerotropolis Strategy.
This was a collaborative strategy, developed with input from various stakeholders from Government and industry. It paved the way for the formulation of the Durban Aerotropolis master plan, which was adopted by the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government in November 2017, with the objective of driving rapid infrastructural development as a necessary pre-condition to attract private sector investment.
In order to create a conducive environment for private sector investment to thrive, a provincial investment One-Stop-Shop was introduced and located at Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal’s Durban city-based premises in 2017. The purpose of the investor-friendly facility is to improve efficiencies for investors to register new projects, facilitate building plans approval, apply for Special Economic Zone incentives, and to deal with Customs, Visa and Work permit applications and requirements.

Durban Aerotropolis is a new, urban environment developing around King Shaka International Airport, taking advantage of increasing global connectivity, the efficient Dube TradePort logistics hub, nearby seaport, a growing Special Economic Zone and 'Greenfield' space to develop a globally competitive 21st century operating environment in KwaZulu-Natal.

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